PAC's Worlds
My Label for Harriet’s Wine Is Famous
Redneck Heater
Feb 26 2011
This gets taken a direction I did not expect. (Thanks to a tweet by Stephen Fry.)
Beautiful Time-Lapse PhotographyApril 26, 2011In "Miscellaneous"
Stephen Fry Channeling John CleeseOctober 14, 2011In "Entertainment"
Adder, Fry and LaurieApril 4, 2011In "Entertainment"
Oh. My. God. That went from LMAO to WTF!!! rather unexpectedly.
Unforgettable lesson on “guy” etiquette, though. They should do a “gal” version.
1 comment
Oh. My. God.
That went from LMAO to WTF!!! rather unexpectedly.
Unforgettable lesson on “guy” etiquette, though.
They should do a “gal” version.