PAC's Worlds
The Coughing Is The Worst
137th SDNHM Annual Meeting And Open House
Oct 25 2011
Met up with my old high school buddy John this afternoon. First time I’ve seen him since graduating thirty five years ago . We sat down outside a Starbucks at University Town Center in La Jolla and never once talked about high school.
Where Saints Are MadeAugust 2, 2011In "Travels"
Ron’s VisitMay 4, 2011In "Food"
Ron’s Final Visit In MayMay 29, 2011In "Food"
Oh my gosh … and I thought he looked a lot like you in HS! That’s really freaky …
Being me, I don’t see it other than we both are glasses-wearing, blondish honkies. But Mami said the same thing.
Oh my gosh …
and I thought he looked a lot like you in HS!
That’s really freaky …
Being me, I don’t see it other than we both are glasses-wearing, blondish honkies. But Mami said the same thing.