Unique Be This Name Of Mine

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or fewer people with the name Peter Csanadi in the U.S.A.

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    • Lisa on December 5, 2011 at 18:58
    • Reply

    I always knew you were unique but no THAT unique. And I am apparently not unique at all:
    •There are 205 people in the U.S. named Lisa Villarreal

    1. You are too unique! You are the only Lisa V. that I know and if I never meet another one I will be satisfied and happy to have known just you. (I’ll pause for the required “awww…”)

      I think you mean I was always “special.” That’s more accurate than unique, although I still refuse to buy a pair of jeans.

      Now if you’ll excuse me, I see the short bus coming to pick me up. And I can’t find my helmet.

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