Decided when I woke up this morning that for Christmas I would take my mom walking around the San Diego Zoo for a couple hours. It got her out of the house, out amongst others of her own kind, and we enjoyed some Christmas decorations while having hot drinks. We got our picture taken with a fake, seated Santa by an older gentleman who obviously thought the large expanse of distant trees behind us was a lot more important than getting my mom and I completely in frame. Amateurs. Elderly amateurs. Later on I ended up having a very special moment with a 49 year old female named Janey. She had long, flowing red hair. She walked over to where I was sitting and sat down next to me. From about a foot away we gazed into each other’s eyes for what seemed like a few minutes, but what was probably only about thirty seconds. Still, that was enough. She never said a word. She didn’t have to. But being an orangutan on the other side of the thick plexiglas I probably wouldn’t have heard her anyway. If I never see her again, we’ll always have the zoo.
Dec 25 2011
Nice album.
Thanks. It was a perfect day.