Gaming At Billata’s

My mom, Kimi my niece and I drove over to my sister Beata’s house this afternoon for an hour of fun and frolic, post-Christmas style, with her, Bill and Aidan. We snacked on assorted nuts and orange slices while playing “Apples to Apples” with no real interest in who would win, but more as to just having a good time. The game tends to promote silliness. Only thing missing was the other half of our family. And maybe some cupcakes.

( g a m e   p i c s )


    • Beata on January 8, 2012 at 09:57
    • Reply

    You forgot to mention the Green Smoothie!
    OMG, it was all about the Green Smoothie!

    Note to self:
    Have cupcakes on hand for the not-so-enthusiastic Green Smoothie drinkers.

    1. Apparently there were some green smoothies.

      (Ed. note: I actually had two glasses.)

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