It’s been quite a while since I posted any photos of Monarch larvae (mainly because of cold weather and a lack of egg-laying butterflies) so here are nine that I found on our milkweed plants today, just enough to field a baseball team. Good thing we have plenty of plants with healthy leaves and flower buds for them to munch on. A few days ago I thought we had only one larva. Obviously I needed to look more carefully.
Feb 03 2012
This is so cool, Peter! Diana is learning about bugs this month in preschool, and they are “making” caterpillars and chrysalis’ and butterflies and she is talking about bugs non-stop! I will have to share your photos with her.
You are an amazing photographer.
Thanks, Mary. I try never to toot my own horn (no, not a euphemism), but for educating younglings I’ll make an exception. Here are links to some Facebook albums of just Monarch stages:
Hope Diana gets even smarter!