Spent about five hours taking multiple photographs at fifteen minute intervals to capture Venus’ transit across the face of the Sun. It was a long, choppy process. Once the photos were taken I had to sift through them all and choose the ones that would work best when put into an animation. Then I had to take the chosen files into Photoshop to mainly crop, slightly rotate and align all of the images (because I was shooting hand-held), but also to re-color a few because the Sun darkened and reddened as it set. Once all that was done I imported each image (layer) into Photoshop Extended’s Animation window, set up a time duration for each image and then exported it as a movie. I then took that movie and imported into Apple’s iMovie to loop it three times and add fades and text graphics. Exported that one more time as another movie.
Like I said, it was a long process for twenty five seconds of video, only two of which is actually of Venus’ transit.