VS House-Sitting: Day Two

Started my second away-from-home day with getting some shots of both Gordon and Theo before they disappeared into the Chula Vista wilderness, a.k.a. the neighbors’ yards. Ended my day by partaking of some fantastic trifle that Heather had made for me to enjoy. I shared it with the Tapias when I visited with them. And being makers of great desserts themselves, they enjoyed it at least as much as I did.

Thanks, Heather.


    • Heather on June 19, 2012 at 14:14
    • Reply

    I love these pictures of my boys and the dessert. Thanks for taking time to take their portraits!

    1. One day I was sitting with them on the sunny concrete next to your barbecue and they both started rolling on their backs. I didn’t have my camera with me then. It was really funny to watch. Theo is not easy to get a portrait of, just like Lilo isn’t either. The dark fur makes it really difficult to capture features and detail. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying, though.

    • Heather on June 20, 2012 at 14:50
    • Reply

    They roll a lot, it’s must feel good. They crack me up when they do it. Theo is very hard to photograph. I only have one really good one of him on the frig.

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