Another example of the amazingly connected times we live in was today’s live, online Google+ Hangout by Vice President Joe Biden, moderated by PBS NewsHour’s Hari Sreenivasan. The half hour was meant as an unscripted fireside chat where Sreenivasan and three invited guests would ask questions of Biden about his newly proposed gun control policies.
A fun surprise for me was that one of the participants was Guy Kawasaki, an author and powerful evangelist for Google+ (hence his being a part of this hangout). He’s followed by hundreds of thousands of people on several different social media platforms, but he is probably still known best for being an original Apple employee and a very strong evangelist for them early on. (Not so much lately.)
I’ve never been a big Joe Biden fan (to me he comes across a bit too much like a used-car salesman) but I give him props for trying to go up against the NRA and tackling this important issue.