After my lunch with Terry and Lorena at Lil’ Pepper, I went back to Multi Image one last time to check out what they had in their warehouse that they were looking to get rid of. Most of the good stuff was unfortunately already gone or spoken for.

This would be my very last visit to a client that I had worked with for over twenty years. They were shuttering the doors for good, something that pretty much everyone involved saw was inevitable in this business climate.

I spoke for about half an hour with the company president, reminiscing a little, but mainly listening to him speak of accomplishments and regrets.

Accomplishments and awards were many as they were the largest multimedia company in San Diego for many years. I had traveled with them for shows and worked many late nights here in their offices. I made a few good friends, and will be glad not to have to interact any more with others.

Regrets were mainly directed to the way some of his long-time employees had coldly left and blamed him for the downfall of the company. He felt honest betrayal. He wasn’t the easiest person to work with but he was always friendly and fair with me.

I don’t miss the work (the paycheck on the other hand…), but I acknowledge and appreciate the experience I gained from our collaboration.


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