The Magic Mouse I used with my iMac went absolutely ape-poop this morning. It’s very difficult and frustrating trying to post-process a photo or even just click on a link when all your mouse wants to do is jump with the jitters along either the very top of the monitor or along the left side. So bizarre. A plug-in USB mouse worked just fine. But then I couldn’t scroll and switch desktops with gestures like I’m used to. I absolutely love using Apple’s Magic Mouse.
I wasn’t sure if it was actually the mouse that went bad or if I was having troubles with my bluetooth connection. There was also no way I could find out other than picking up a new mouse since I don’t have anything else bluetooth to connect to my Mac.
Visiting the Apple Store at UTC was, as always, a complete breeze. Went in, found my new mouse, an employee came over and rang up the purchase on his iPhone app, then showed me a support link on Apple’s website to check to see if my old one might still be under warranty.
I took my mom so she could get out of the house for a bit, so after the Apple Store we walked over to a nearby Starbucks right there in the mall. We got our coffees and then sat outside next to a cool fountain. It was strangely foggy and sunny at the same time. And just like she always does these days, my mom spent most of her time watching all the little kids running around. Seems like nothing makes her happier than seeing little kids.
Came home and synced up my new mouse, which worked perfectly. Even clicked much crisper than my older one.
And no, my old one was no longer under warranty. But now I know an easy way to find out for next time.
Time to get back to clicking, swiping and scrolling. Stuff needs to get done!