Bill’s Birthday Bash

Had all the local family members come over to the house for a belated birthday dinner for my sister’s husband, Bill, who turned muffled mumble.

The meal consisted of a Hungarian stew/sauce (usually we make it with beef but this time my mom made it with chicken per Beata’s request for Bill) that gets poured over some home-made dumplings. Always a family favorite.

We also had some side veggie dishes as well as a cucumber salad prepared in a typical Hungarian fashion with a touch of salt and sour cream. Dessert was a fantastic Julian apple pie supplied by Beata.

Presents included a buttload of identical mechanical pencils, which I wish I would have gotten a photo of.

My younger brother, Bigboote, even called from New Mexico to wish a happy birthday to the birthday boy.

We also sat for two family portraits. One was normal, the other…not so much.

You can decide which is which.


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