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- A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
- Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
- Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
- Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
- My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments
Jun 01 2012
May 31 2012
Left early on my way to lunch get together with two of my beautiful girl friends and decided to stop at Tuna Harbor next to the USS Midway Museum. The previous day the twenty-five foot “kissing statue” officially called “Unconditional Surrender” had been taken apart in preparation to be trucked back to New Jersey to …
May 31 2012
Met with my long-time friends, Sylvia and Lannie, at Rubio’s in Southbay for an early lunch. Wanted to try something new again so I had the Grilled Chile-Lime Wild Salmon Taco Plate with beans and rice. It tasted great but I think there were too many different bits and textures in the tacos that fought …
May 31 2012
As expected, our third Monarch Butterfly in as many days emerged today. Unfortunately, it decided to present itself while I was out at an early lunch with friends. I was able to get these shots earlier this morning before I left and you can clearly see that the chrysalis is clear and the Monarch’s colors …
May 30 2012
As expected, and for the second day in a row, we had a Monarch emerge from its chrysalis. It was healthy and flew around the backyard after it had squeezed its body juices into its wings and stiffened up a bit. Also took a picture of what I believe will be the next one to …
May 29 2012
Went out to take pictures of our latest emergent Monarch Butterfly. I ended up getting amazingly lucky (once again) because after a few minutes she dropped down from the potted plant she was a chrysalis on, and landed on an old tree stump near one of our resident lizards. With much care and a lot …
May 28 2012
After we finished our Memorial Day dinner, Sylvia was accommodating enough, and still had enough energy, to give me a much-needed haircut. As with all the other haircuts through the last twenty eight years, I was very pleased with the result. I can finally take pictures without always pushing the hair from between my eyes …
May 28 2012
Unlike the successfully rescued caterpillar named Houdini from a couple of days ago, this unfortunate Jerusalem Cricket (or Potato Bug) did not live to see another day of burrowing on the dirt. He was found next to the Tapias’ pool during our Memorial Day barbecuing, a bit wet, but looking none the worse for wear. …
May 28 2012
Drove down to Sylvia and Rodrigo’s house for a Memorial Day barbecue in their backyard. Sylvia’s parents also came by for the meet and greet and eat. Rodrigo was, of course, in charge of the actual barbecuing while Sylvia took care of the sautéed onions and mushrooms along with the other condiments. The hamburgers turned …
May 27 2012
May 27 2012
This morning as I was checking the water level in our bird baths and came across this poor, waterlogged, little guy who was floating upside down and not moving. He had swelled up quite a bit from soaking for who knows how long. I fished him out and right away placed him on my t-shirt …
May 26 2012
My second full day of house/cat-sitting. This time I’m adding a few lesser quality cell phone shots that I sent to the neighbor whose house I’m staying at, just to show her that the cats are doing fine. The Four Peters is technically from late last night, but it was what I was watching when …
May 26 2012
My wonderful niece, Kimi, stopped by today to drop off a present she and her boyfriend RJ picked up for me on their last trip to Disneyland. She said that when she saw this crocheted Steamboat Mickey she knew right away that it belonged on my bed along with all my other friends, mostly Disney …
May 26 2012
For the first time since my recent dental disaster I went to Phil’s BBQ to try me some chewin’ of the barbecue. And no, I didn’t eat alone. I met the Tapias there along with Mama and Papa Carvajal since it was Rodrigo’s idea in the first place. (He and Sylvia already wanted to go two days …
May 25 2012