Peter Csanadi

Most commented posts

  1. A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
  2. Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
  3. Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
  4. Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
  5. My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments

Author's posts

Easter Dinner With Family

The entire San Diego portion of our family came over for an Easter Sunday dinner that my mom had put together, which included the requisite swirrel-sliced, honey-glazed ham, some salad, boiled asparagus, baked beans, corn and cooked potato chunks, and then finished with some home-made cheese cake that my mom had baked. My nephew, Stephen, and …

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Hummingbird Nest With Chicks

While visiting Sylvia and Rodrigo we discovered that the hummingbird nest in their back patio contained two chicks. We’re not sure the condition of both chicks but the mother was feeding at least one of them. This shot is basically looking straight down into the nest from me standing on a hummingbird-friendly ladder. We set …

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Final Mourning Dove Youngling Photo

This morning I found one of the two Mourning Doves sitting on the edge the hanging pot, their home for the last few weeks. Only moments after I took this shot both of the juveniles flew up to the roof and stayed there together until mom came to feed them, and then they all flew somewhere into …

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Mourning Dove and Chick

Today was the first time I witnessed both Morning Dove parents, kind of tag-teaming, feeding both chicks. Also, it was the first time I saw at least one of the chicks flapping its wings. I have a feeling they will be gone within the next week or two.

San Diego Automotive Museum

After picking up my old high school buddy, Ron, from his downtown hotel, we drove over to Balboa Park to spend some time at the San Diego Automotive Museum. Not the biggest auto museum around, but an impressive collection nonetheless and one I really enjoy visiting from time to time. They have a temporary exhibit …

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Old Town Dinner With A Saint

After our Automotive Museum visit, my visiting buddy Ron and I headed over to Old Town (second visit for me in one day) to have dinner at Casa de Reyes inside Fiesta de Reyes. Wanted to have my old favorite of a beef taco but also wanted to try something new, so I ordered a …

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Been Way Too Long

It’s been far too long since I last signed up for a new online social experience and recently my web prayers were answered. I finally received my requested invite to Pinwheel, a new service that’s still in beta testing. Unfortunately only members can see other people’s posts. What is Pinwheel you ask? Jeez, what a …

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Cats – Day Four And Last Full Day

My last full day of taking care of the neighbors’ eight cats. It basically was the same as the other three days of taking care of the neighbors’ eight cats. Spend the night on their couch, feed the felines three times, fresh water twice a day, and clean out the three litter boxes three times …

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Mourning Doves Close To Flying

Noticed that the Mourning Dove mother had temporarily flown away from her nest so I took the opportunity to run and get my camera to get a couple of shots of the quickly-growing chicks. I have no doubt that they will be flying very soon.

Pick Me!

One of our Mourning Doves was sunning/drying itself on the grass after a nice, refreshing rinse in one of our bird baths.

Cats – Day Three

Normally the neighbors’ cats enjoy watching a good bird show outside one of the bedroom windows. Keeps ’em busy for hours. Today though they had a special treat in store. A gopher (quite possibly the same one that’s been burrowing in our backyard until recently) scored a jackpot by digging up underneath a bird feeder …

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Dinner at Denny’s

After finishing up our afternoon adventure at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park, my mom, nephew Stephen, his girlfriend Jeri and I were hungry enough to stop at a Denny’s for dinner before making it home. I wanted to try something new (for Foodspotting) and decided on their new Bacon Lover’s BLT. The sandwich boasts …

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Butterfly Jungle Tweet-Up At The Safari Park

Drove up to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park with my mom, my nephew Stephen, and his girlfriend Jeri, to attend the evening’s Butterfly Jungle Tweet-Up gathering. We arrived early enough to walk around a little before the meetup. We checked out some exotic birds around the lagoon adjacent to Nairobi Walk and then stopped …

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First Time At Stephen And Jeri’s

Today our family was invited over to my nephew, Stephen, and his girlfriend, Jeri’s, apartment for a quick tour and snack social. The inside reminded me a lot of my first solo studio apartment in La Mesa. There was one large room that was both living room and dining area, a nice, open kitchen area, …

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Cats – Day Two

Day two of my cat/house-sitting. Other than a nasty bodily organ-looking hairball, there weren’t any major surprises.

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