Peter Csanadi

Most commented posts

  1. A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
  2. Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
  3. Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
  4. Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
  5. My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments

Author's posts

It’s All Relative With Brenda

After our Disneyland excursion was complete, I delivered my friend Brenda to her relatives living just north of San Diego. There we stayed for almost four hours while she reminisced and remembered many stories from their childhoods. There was a birthday party for a two-year old, replete with singing, presents, cupcakes and a candle in …

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My Happy Place

The day started out like any other, with me getting up off of Dawn’s crack. That’s when the different started happening. After a shower and non-cereal breakfast I found myself driving north on I-5, away from my nest of comfort, heading for lands known to some as Adventure, Fantasy, Frontier and Tomorrow. Coincidence would regularly …

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Early Birthday Dessert

Since I will be celebrating my birthday at Disneyland tomorrow, my niece, Kimi, came over tonight to drop off a special Mickey Mouse cookie that she and her mom made for me. Shame I have to devour it, but it will live on in pictures and the sewers.

Laugh-In Bloopers

Man I wish these were in color. These people knew how to have a good time.

Lines No More

AT&T was out in force in our neighborhood again this morning, even though it was raining pretty hard. They already had taken down most of the phone lines heading to the houses and today they were busy removing the telephone pole rungs. Guess I’ll have to find somewhere else to practice my poles dancing. Won’t …

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Kimi’s Cookies

It’s that time of year! My niece Kimi and her mom came by today to drop off some goodies they spent the weekend baking. She even made me a very special Mickey Mouse cookie…which she had accidentally given to one of her friends earlier. Judging by some of these that I’ve already eaten, it must …

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H.M.S. Ball with Steam Powered Giraffe

Went down to the Balboa Park Club to attend the H.M.S. (Holiday Masquerade Steampunk) Ball put on by my sister’s dance group, Waltz & Such.  Took some pictures but mainly stood around or sat watching the steampunk participants do all the dancing. Enjoyed Steam Powered Giraffe, one of my favorite local bands, who I first …

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Green Gifts From NRDC

Total Lunar Eclipse

Went out at 4:15 in the 40 degree morning to start watching the lunar eclipse. Was first approached by a curious skunk who startled me, which then startled it, and it spun around to take the “jettison the juice” position. Luckily it didn’t perceive me as a real threat and it just scampered away. Then …

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Car D’Ology

Took Mami for a scheduled cardiology appointment in the brand, spankin’ new UC San Diego Sulpizio Family Cardiovascular Center. First time I ever saw patients in the reception/waiting area with light-up buzzers like you see at some restaurants. Better than the “Now Serving” numbers, I guess. At least the reception area was decked out with …

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ZooKeeper Rick, Day Two

Second day for Rick Schwartz, the San Diego Zoo animal ambassador, to be on the Today Show.  Today he presented animals actually from our zoo, including Isa the fossa, a beautifully colored milk snake, Victor the echidna, and a crested porcupine named Ruva. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

So This Almost Pooped On My Head Today

The airship, “Snoopy Two.”

ZooKeeper Rick On TV

Rick Schwartz, Animal Ambassador for the San Diego Zoo (and friend of mine) had a segment this morning on the Today Show. He spoke to Matt, Ann and Al about the conservation efforts zoos around the world are making together to help save endangered species. He presented four animals, an African Penguin, a Chinese Alligator, …

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Our Own Decorations

Put up our outside Christmas decorations this evening plus one on the inside. They may be meager and simple but they make my mom really happy. And a happy mom is a cooking mom.

Costco And A Tuna Melt

Went to Costco with Sylvia to pick up her home-made Christmas cards. We spent some time inhaling Hawaiian-made candle scents. Most of them were amazingly fragrant, in a good way. One, pictured below, smelled way better than I was expecting. On today’s warehouse snacking menu was terrific popcorn (caramel, cheddar cheese and zebra flavored), fantastically …

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