Peter Csanadi

Most commented posts

  1. A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
  2. Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
  3. Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
  4. Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
  5. My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments

Author's posts

Eerie Evening Of Waltz

Took my mom down to the Casa del Prado in Balboa Park to attend the “Eerie Evening of Waltz” Halloween dance put on by my sister and her husband and their vintage dance organization, Waltz & Such. Good selection of music, even just to take pictures to. Having a couple of cute spinning girls to …

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Best Sunset This Month…So Far

Had us another one of them amazing San Diego sunsets this evening. Never get tired of ’em.

First Facebook Video Chat

Finally had my first video chat using Facebook’s Skype interface. Was really glad it was with my nephew. It was brief but cool to see him again. Plus he made his grandmother very happy by saying hi to her as well.

New Blog Recipe

Took pictures of my mom making authentic-ish Hungarian gulyás (goulash) to one day post on my recipe blog. I can add this one to the other five I have waiting to add.

Cue The Bad Music

Invaded the intimate privacy of two consenting adult insects just so I could bring these educational images to my viewers. All three of you.

137th SDNHM Annual Meeting And Open House

Took my nephew Stephen to this year’s Annual Meeting and Open House at the San Diego Natural History Museum. Started off a little boring with a rather lackluster meeting and some dry cookies, but then got much better once we took the tour three floors below to the snakes and lizards specimens, up to the second …

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Two Shortest Saints

Met up with my old high school buddy John this afternoon. First time I’ve seen him since graduating thirty five years ago . We sat down outside a Starbucks at University Town Center in La Jolla and never once talked about high school.

The Coughing Is The Worst

Another day of not feeling my best. Can’t stand this nagging cough, but at least it tells me I’m on the back half of this cold. Spent another day working on photos while catching up on podcasts. Best news today was that my BFF Brenda passed her teacher’s certification test, which she was sure she …

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Not Well

Because of a stupid cold, not very much happened with me today. After I buried a dead Monarch to stop a Yellowjacket from eating it and after I played a couple of levels of Angry Birds and after I posted some photos on Facebook, Flickr and Google+, I just watched a lot of stuff: the …

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The Prickly Arachnid Show

A larger, orb-weaving spider set up shop just outside our kitchen window which gave me a perfect opportunity to get some macro close-ups without actually getting close and with being inside a nice, warm kitchen. Gave me a chance to use my tripod for some really good, steady, sharp images. Can’t believe how something that …

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One Day, Three Stages Of Life

Found a dying Monarch Butterfly that couldn’t fly on our driveway. No idea what was wrong with it. Looked really healthy although with a bit of a skinny abdomen. Picked it up and took it to one of our milkweeds for it to feed. Tried three times. Always ended up falling off and landing in the dirt. …

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Perfectly Named

Came across this little guy on one of our plumeria plants. Apparently they love to destroy tomato plants. I’ll have to keep an eye out for more of them. They have super nasty looking pointy larvae. Their name? Keeled treehopper.

O’Cains Part Two

Our friends who arrived yesterday came over again this morning for some breakfast and a visit with my sister, her husband and my older brother who brought over his three kittens. They were here for only a few hours before continuing on their journey to meet up with more old friends.

Old, Old Friends

Old family friends who we haven’t seen in over forty years arrived this afternoon for a quick 24 hour visit. Too bad I can’t remember them other than by their family name. We sat and chatted, then went out for a Mexican dinner at Tio Carlos in the Midway area meeting my older brother and his kids …

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Google+ Chat with Cali

Had a very brief chat with Cali Lewis on Google+ today. Surprised to find out that she originally wanted to be a marine biologist. That she didn’t is a pity for all the moist animals that she would have befriended, but lucky for the rest of us arid, land-based mammals that she chose geeknicity.

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