Peter Csanadi

Most commented posts

  1. A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
  2. Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
  3. Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
  4. Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
  5. My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments

Author's posts

Rest Now, Georgia

One of the neighbor dogs that I occasionally would dog-sit passed away today. She was quite mature and not in the best of health, but she was a good, loyal dog and she will be missed.

B And Me Against The Zombies

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Ice Cream Sandwich

Watched the live streaming of Google’s announcement of Ice Cream Sandwich (the latest Android operating system) out of Hong Kong being demoed on the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone. Lots of cool features from both the OS and the phone that Android fans will love, but for me they are definitely not enough to make me want …

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The Return Of Dennis

Our backyard Pacific Treefrog, Dennis Hopper, came back for another photo shoot today. Unfortunately I only got one decent one from the entire two-minute session.

Dinner With Stephen And Jeri

My mom and I went over to Ozzie’s house for a chicken dinner that Jeri had prepared for us. Ozzie and Kimi showed up a bit later. After dinner I played with the three kittens and then joined the others who were playing a few rounds of Scattergories.

Walk Along Rose Marie Starns

Went for a truncated evening walk along Rose Marie Starns South Shores Park at Mission Bay with the Tapias. It quickly got cold and windy once the sun set. Saw two cool things: first, someone was flying a glowing radio-controlled plane above us, and second, a satellite also flew over us as we got back …

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An Apple Fanboy On Steve Jobs Day

Today was officially “Steve Jobs Day” as decreed by our re-governor, Jerry Brown. I went to an Apple Store in Chula Vista with my tech friend, Rodrigo to play with as many Apple products as possible to honor Mr. Jobs. They had a bunch of post-it note tributes to him on the front entry windows. …

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Visiting José And Rosi

Met the Tapias at José and Rosi’s house to sit and visit with them for a while before doing today’s Apple thing. José is still healing from his brain surgery from two weeks ago. Except for his scar he’s looking and acting very normal. ( c a r v a j a l   p …

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New Video Chat, New Phone

Brenda called to have a video chat so she could show me her new LG Optimus V cell phone running Android 2.2 Froyo. Today she officially switched from T-Mobile to Virgin Mobile (which uses the Sprint network here in the U.S.). She went with Virgin Mobile because she didn’t have to sign the usual two-year …

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Another Monarch Emergeth

Sat and waited for a Monarch Butterfly to emerge from its chrysalis this afternoon. Didn’t have to wait too long and it paid off with a lot of macro shots. Also took shots of four other Monarchs nearby which were in various stages of their own pupation. This one came out healthy and perfect. No …

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Animal Ambassadors at the Zoo

Attended another tweet-up at the San Diego Zoo for a presentation by Zoo Ambassador Rick Schwartz of three of the zoo’s animal ambassadors. First up was Isa the fossa, followed by Phu (pronounced foo) Ket the binturong and finishing up with Rio the Amazon parrot. These tweet-ups are always very enjoyable and informative.

Visit From A Pacific Treefrog

Found a Pacific Treefrog on the rim of one of our flowerpots this evening. He was kind enough to let me get within a couple of inches of him so I could get a few macro shots.  Went back a few minutes later and he was gone. I think he may have been looking for …

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Slammed At Denny’s

Had me a great French Toast Slam for breakfast this morning with my mom. Our waitress, Steph, had a great attitude and was always on top of things. What made the whole meal even better was that they had decorated the restaurant for Halloween. Pretty good way to start my day.

Stephen Fry Channeling John Cleese

Splendid albeit abbreviated lesson on language tolerance by the brilliant Stephen Fry.

Better Moon

Got up much earlier than yesterday for an attempt to capture a richer image of an almost full Moon. Still not as sharp as I like but much better than yesterday’s image. Time to move on.

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