Peter Csanadi

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  1. A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
  2. Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
  3. Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
  4. Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
  5. My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments

Author's posts

Wyatt Earp In San Diego

Attended a lecture presentation at the San Diego History Center in Balboa Park this evening by Garner A. Palenske, author of the just released book (we got the very first copies) “Wyatt Earp In San Diego: Life After Tombstone.” First I ran into him in the bathroom before the lecture and we talked Earp for …

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Walking Balboa Park

Had an hour between the Natural History Museum closing and the Wyatt Earp presentation this evening so I walked around Balboa Park taking pictures at the Museum of Man, the Alcazar Gardens and the “Laguna de las Flores” in front of the Botanical Building. There are more than 20,000 trees in Balboa Park, some which …

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Some History, Natural Style

Needing to kill some time before a presentation later this evening in Balboa Park, I spent a couple of hours at the San Diego Natural History Museum photographing more exhibits, watching two 3D movies and telling a cute girl who works there that she had really pretty eyes. The two 3D movies, “Dinosaurs 3D: Giants …

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At The Zoo Again?

Spent a few hours at the San Diego Zoo with my friend, Mary, and her daughter, Diana. Before they got there I walked around by myself listening to my iPod and had fantastic luck taking pictures of the Malayan Tiger cubs as well as Adhama, the River Hippo calf. We had a really good lunch …

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Dewy Web

This morning was particularly moist outside once most of the thick fog we had overnight burned off. Went out and took a bunch of pictures of an orb-weaving spider’s giant web that was dotted with hundreds of tiny water droplets. The spider who spun the impressive web was nowhere to be seen. ( w e …

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Screech, Crash And Roll

Someone was having a bad day. While harvesting some milkweed seeds in our backyard I heard some screeching tires coming from the I-5 in the canyon below. Didn’t think anything of it at first since I’d heard it before. But this one lasted a bit longer and then I heard some muffled crunching. Ran over …

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Quick Zoo Trip

Since my mom and I, already being at Balboa Park, were right next door to the Zoo, I took her in to see the new Panda Trek entrance to the Giant Panda exhibit. After picking up an espresso for her and hot chocolate for me, we walked down through the Owens Aviary on our way …

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Calotropis Gigantea

Took my mom down to Balboa Park to show her two giant Calotropis Gigantea (Crown plants) just outside of the Botanical Building. Learned about this plant from one of the Director of Entomology during Insect Mania Day at the Natural History Museum. It attracts Monarch Butterflies and Ladybugs at least as well as our milkweeds …

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Dining at Oz’s

The whole local Csanadi clan got together for dinner at Ozzie’s house tonight. Sort of a much belated birthday gathering for Stephen. Food was great and we got to see the almost three week old kittens again. They are getting awfully loud when hungry or alone. Just like me except I’m not black.

Dinner And An X-Show

Finished off my full Balboa Park day with a stop at Starbucks and a giant, delicious shredded beef chimichanga from Colima’s Mexican Food while watching X-Men: First Class on DVD at the Tapias’ house. I really liked the movie the first time I saw it in the theater and actually liked it even more this …

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Flip Nicklin’s Whales

After the Plaza de Panama Project tour, the Veterans Museum and the Zoo, I went to the San Diego Natural History Museum and met up with Bryan, Heather and Lauren for an evening presentation called “Among Giants: A Life with Whales” by National Geographic whale photographer and San Diego native, Flip Nicklin. It was a …

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Back At The Zoo

After both the Plaza de Panama Project tour and the Veterans Museum, I walked over to spend about an hour at the San Diego Zoo. After taking pictures of stilt walkers, I sat down at the orangutans and siamangs, but started focusing more on the human couples that came through. I started wondering what was …

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Veterans Museum and Memorial Center

Followed up my Plaza de Panama Project tour by visiting the Veterans Museum and Memorial Center, also in Balboa Park. They were getting ready for an afternoon function and told me I have about half an hour to walk around and check out the displays. Got taken on a personal tour by docent Terry Truitt …

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Plaza de Panama Project

Attended what was supposed to be an hour long walking tour starting at the Museum of Man in Balboa Park, but which turned into a two and a half hour tour, of the Plaza de Panama Project proposed redevelopment of certain areas of Balboa Park before the centennial celebration in 2015. It was led by four …

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Fanciful Interpretation

Always loved this 1913 oil painting by A.J. Roberts who worked for the San Diego Decorating Company. It was done as a promotional piece for the 1915 Panama-California Exposition in what was later to become Balboa Park. The description reads, “…depicts proposed Exposition grounds with buildings, lake and gondolas.” Strange to see the river/lake that …

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