Peter Csanadi

Most commented posts

  1. A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
  2. Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
  3. Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
  4. Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
  5. My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments

Author's posts

Public Service Announcement – Trimethylaminuria

Making Light Of Something Disturbing

Strong evidence against the United States being the greatest country on Earth.

Starbucks With Mami

Took my mom for some coffee and lemon loaf at a nearby Starbucks. Also wanted to pick up the first free, weekly iPhone App that they were giving away. I heard it was the “Shazam” app for figuring out what song you might be hearing somewhere.  Good news is they still had cards for the app. Bad …

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Final Morning With Cats

Spent my final morning with the neighbors’ cats making their total of 72 lives a little bit better. Satiating their hungers, satisfying their thirsts, pushing their butt-raising back buttons, and most importantly, no more massive clumps in the three litter boxes.  

Four-Fifths Cat-Watch Accomplished

Day/night four of five of feline feeding and friending. Only one more morning to go. I have learned a lot during my assignment, mainly the difference between satisfied meow-purring and regurgitative hair-balling. Also, as clean as cats can be, they can stink something powerful. Not the cats directly, but their little unburied treasure.

Birthday Party For My Mother’s Son’s Sister’s Husband’s Daughter

Family got together to belatedly celebrate Aidan’s birthday at Ozzie’s house. Jeri and Stephen were once again in charge of the food and settings. After dinner and cake we played a few hands of “Apples to Apples.” Just as the first time I played, I sucked. But it was fun.

Bike Ride Along Mission Bay

Fun bike ride today with Sylvia, Rodrigo, Lilo and Stitch along Mission Bay Park starting from Rose Marie Starns South Shores Park heading north. We rode eight miles total and stopped on the return trip for a picnic of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that Sylvia made along with some barbecue Pringles and various kinds …

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Cats: Four Of Six

Day/night four of my ongoing account with my struggle of living in the wild. Strange how the animals grow accustomed to my presence while at the same time keeping their distance. Slowly they will accept me as one of their own, but it will take time. Sure hope it never comes to butt-smelling, though.

Goodbye Breakfast With Barbara

Had a Denny’s-provided all-American breakfast with Barbara and my mom before Barbara departed for her return trip to Los Angeles and its +100º valley temperature. Almost feel guilty for us only reaching 80º here in coastal San Diego.

Cat Watch: Day Three

Third day/night of six for watching the neighbors’ cats. They are all remarkably well behaved considering their privacy keeps getting invaded by a tall, white-ish, mostly hairless, bi-pedal creature who seemingly comes and goes at will. At least there’s new cuisine to enjoy whenever it shows up and the three bathroom tubs get refreshed every …

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Dinner And A Song In Old Town

Had a really nice dinner with my visiting friend, Barbara, and my mom in Old Town this evening. We ate at the Alamo Mexican Café and were serenaded by an Asian playing the accordion across the street.

Tour Guiding At SeaWorld Again

Spent the entire day out at SeaWorld San Diego as tour guide for my visiting high school classmate, Barbara. Even though it was a pretty crowded day we still managed to hit almost all the shows and exhibits. Ended our day at the new Shamu show called One Ocean and, after sitting behind Julie Scardina …

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Night Two Of Cat-Keeping

Second of six days/five nights of cat-sitting for the neighbors. Only so many ways to shoot a cat. With a camera, that is.

Evening In Old Town With A Fellow Saint

Had a very pleasant walk in Old Town with Barbara this evening after she drove down from L.A. for our SeaWorld visit tomorrow morning. Spent most of our time visiting graves in the cemetery. Also walked up to Heritage Park and the Mormon Battalion Historic Site before the sun set. Important FYI: Not many bathrooms open after …

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Kitty Care

First of six days/five nights of cat-sitting for the neighbors. Some day I hope to be able to tell them apart. The cats, not the neighbors.

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