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- A Haunting Confession — 6 comments
- Cats: Four Of Six — 6 comments
- Lunch At Phil’s With Old Friends — 6 comments
- Tooth Or Consequences — 6 comments
- My Day With Lilo And Stitch — 5 comments
Jun 14 2013
Today my mom and I had an interesting Skype chat with some of our relatives in Hungary. My cousin had his father visiting his family and he thought that my mom (his father’s wife’s sister) would enjoy a brief video chat to say hi and find out how things are going in both countries. While …
Jun 05 2013
I attended the final in a series of six lectures on ethics in science at the Center for Ethics inside the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park. This one was a bit more special than the others as my older brother’s ex-wife was one of the three speakers presenting, and I got to …
May 31 2013
Gmail finally started rolling out an update that includes long-awaited tabs. I’m sure a lot of the subscribers will be unhappy with the new design (which can be turned on or off at any time) but personally, I think it’s fantastic and will keep my gmail inbox a heck of a lot more organized. The …
May 28 2013
Took my mom to three different medical appointments this morning, one on each floor of a three floor building up at Thornton Hospital. The first was to see her primary care doctor for a regularly scheduled follow-up. That was on the second floor. Next was to get some blood drawn on the ground floor so …
May 24 2013
I finally got welcomed into the new Google Maps a couple of days ago, but I didn’t get a chance to check it out until this evening. First impression: pretty darn cool. The maps are more detailed (even in the simple map view), getting info about stuff just by clicking on a street is amazing, …
May 22 2013
Spent about an hour and a half with phase one of trimming a tree of ugly, dead branches in the front yard. The reason for it being only phase one was because I filled up the yard waste bin. And I’ve got the cuts and scrapes to prove it. If only someone could invent some …
May 16 2013
Finally got around to planting the California Poppy seeds that I got from the San Diego Zoo when I visited during their annual Garden Fest…uh…festivities. I had to wet a cotton ball and drop it into a clear plastic bag. Then the zoo horticulturist scooped up a few seeds and dropped them into the bag. …
May 16 2013
Took my mom for what was probably her final physical therapy session with Celeste at Thornton Hospital. Her shoulder is almost back to normal and she’s off her pain meds so it only makes sense, especially since she can keep doing the stretching exercising at home. We celebrated afterwards by going to The Cove (the …
May 14 2013
Took my mom to her third physical therapy appointment with Celeste. The range of motion in my mom’s injured let arm is amazingly better since the first time she came in for an assessment. Today’s session was simple and straightforward: relaxing, stretching, exercising and relaxing. My mom was doing so well that Celeste told us …
May 13 2013
Delivered my mom to her appointment with Debbie, a hearing specialist. From the way Debbie listens and speaks you would never know that she herself has to wear two hearing aids. She took my mom into a tiny, sound-proofed listening room where she sat on a kid’s chair in front of a kid’s table. (I …
May 09 2013
May 07 2013
Took my mom to her first official physical therapy session with Celeste this morning. She had my mom do some mild stretching to measure her maximum arm rotations and then she had her do some shoulder exercises, a couple using a cane as a prop. She seems already to have improved since the first assessment …
May 05 2013
After hurrying back the night before on very late a train from Los Angeles (arriving back in San Diego around 1:00 am), I awoke early in the morning to drive down to Chula Vista to watch a matinee of the number one movie in the world, the recently released “Iron Man 3” with my best …
May 03 2013
Took my mom for her first ever physical therapy appointment today. She had recently strained her left shoulder and her primary care doctor thought it might be a good idea. Spent a productive and reassuring half an hour with RPT Nicole, first answering many questions and then assessing the problem. After having my mom try …
May 02 2013
Today marks the 5th anniversary of me signing up on Twitter. After 1,585 tweets, having 93 followers (almost all of them legit) and me following 130 others, I readily admit that I have never truly used Twitter to its full potential. I’ve had some impressive (to me) people reply/favorite some of my tweets, or even …