Category: Fauna


Did me some weed-pullin’ today and came across this little critter (and two more just like it) curled up in the dirt under a pot that was sittin’ on the lawn. I’m bettin’ that this is what the skunks and opossums come diggin’ for at night. It’s officially known as a White Curl Grub, Scarab …

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Care Visit #3: Broken Ankle

After visiting my brother and his cats, my mom and I stopped by an actress friend of ours who recently broke her ankle while walking her dog. Luckily her boy friend had just returned from a trip to take care of her while she can’t walk. Bella, her dog, is finally starting to warm up to me and kept …

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Care Visit #2: Lentils For My Brother

Went over to my brother’s house with my mom tonight so we could deliver some lentil soup that my mom had made. Plus, she really wanted to play with the cats that she has fallen in love with. Unfortunately my nephew is still out of town and my niece was out with friends so we didn’t get …

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My First New Friend Of 2012

Came across this super-tiny guy crawling around my bathroom cabinet this morning. I had to get my jeweler’s loupe just to see that it was a jumping spider. After completely disturbing it by jamming my giant electronic eye into its world, I set it loose in our backyard, free to pursue a life of religious …

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Final Zoo Visit For 2011

What was supposed to be an extended last visit to the San Diego Zoo for this year turned into a limited, shortened, crowd-dodging, iPodless and relatively unremarkable excursion. Although, I did pass some cool animals walking around on leashes (a leopard and a wolf) and it was a beautiful and sunny 7o degree day, and …

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Cats: Day Two

Once again, more Christmas decorations (some of my favorite photos so far) than actual cat shots, although two of the cats finally did some wrestling while I took photos. My last night tonight. Or is it? ( f e l i n e   p o s i t i o n s )

Yep, Cats Again – Full Day One

Back again with the neighbors’ cats. Last night was my first of three overnights. Today was my first full day of feline pampering, with the Old Town visit to break up my day. Took a bunch of shots of the neighbors’ Christmas decoration since the cat pictures are all starting to look the same. ( …

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Hangin’ With Rocky, Part Two

My squirrelly friend, Rocky, rejoined me today for another round of mutual weeding in our backyard. Today I was more prepared and this time had my trusty camera with me. This time he came even closer than yesterday, only about four feet away. I think he may have been jealous of the time I spent …

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Christmas Day At The Zoo With My Mom

Decided when I woke up this morning that for Christmas I would take my mom walking around the San Diego Zoo for a couple hours. It got her out of the house, out amongst others of her own kind, and we enjoyed some Christmas decorations while having hot drinks. We got our picture taken with …

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Hangin’ With A Squirrel

I was sitting on the grass in our backyard on this beautiful, sunny San Diego late December day picking weeds from around some of our milkweed plants when I was unexpectedly joined by a brave little squirrel who was hungry for some of the weeds we have growing in the grass. He does us a …

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First Time Birching

Met my friend Lisa and most of her family for my very first visit to the Birch Aquarium at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla. I kept hearing how good it was but that it was rather small. While it may have been more diminutive than other aquariums I’d been to I was …

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Sadie’s Little Prick

Had to go over to the neighbor’s house this evening to feed their dog, Sadie, and give her an insulin injection for her canine diabetes. The frightening photo is misleading because she was a real trooper and never complained. I stayed with her for a while to make sure everything was ok, and she loved …

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San Diego Zoo In One Hour

After dropping Brenda off at the airport I decided to make a quick trip to San Diego Zoo. Knew it would be a brief trip so I focused on getting some Christmas decorations and just some of the animals. Started with taking the Skyfari up to the back of the zoo and walked back toward …

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ZooKeeper Rick, Day Two

Second day for Rick Schwartz, the San Diego Zoo animal ambassador, to be on the Today Show.  Today he presented animals actually from our zoo, including Isa the fossa, a beautifully colored milk snake, Victor the echidna, and a crested porcupine named Ruva. Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

ZooKeeper Rick On TV

Rick Schwartz, Animal Ambassador for the San Diego Zoo (and friend of mine) had a segment this morning on the Today Show. He spoke to Matt, Ann and Al about the conservation efforts zoos around the world are making together to help save endangered species. He presented four animals, an African Penguin, a Chinese Alligator, …

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